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The Buyer Bonus Program * is a program unique to Berkshire Real Estate (though any company can do it). Here is how it works. While Buyers are now responsible for covering their Realtor's fees, often the real estate company representing the seller or the seller pays the real estate company representing the buyer a commission of between 2% and 3%.  Most commissions are 2.4% in the Omaha area. Since our fees are lower than most, the excess can go towards our clients' closing costs, thus saving them money and maximizing value. **

Already found the house you'd like to buy, but need an agent to represent you in the purchase? We will provide an additional 15% discount on the commission (that means more closing cost relief to you).

If we don't physically show you any houses, we discount the commission to a flat 1% (more closing cost savings).

Buying or building a new home from a builder that pays Realtor referrals (Celebrity or Legacy for example)? Call us before you register with the builder so we can provide the discounted 1% flat rate to you. Once you give the builder your contact information you are considered registered and they will not permit you to be represented by an agent. If you would like to look at new construction call or email us. Failing to do so can cost you thousands of dollars!

Plus, we do not charge the infamous "Broker Admin" fee saving you even more money!
Houses listed by your Berkshire agent are not eligible for this program.
* This program is available only to clients with a Berkshire Real Estate Exclusive Buyers Agency Agreement.
** A fee of 2% on the first $400,000, 1% on the next $400,000, and 0.5% thereafter with a minimum of $3000.

Please ask your Berkshire agent for details on how to enroll or use the handy form below.

Enroll Today

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Offices in Omaha, NE U.S.A., Licensed Nebraska Realtors

The real estate experts in Omaha and Lincoln Nebraska
Serving Bellevue, Bennington, Elkhorn, Gretna, La Vista, Lincoln, Omaha, Papillion, Ralston and surrounding communities.

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Berkshire Real Estate
418 South 166 St. Omaha, Nebraska 68118
Phone: 402-397-2800